Spin Pop


Jarrell: I LOVVEE Spin Pop. It is my favorite kind of candy. Its like the only thing I ever eat. Before I would eat pop flavored and it would just not taste right, but this tastes like it comes right out of the can! 

Mona: One time I was super depressed and my mom went out and bought me spin pop. I cheered up instantly and everytime after that when I was feeling sad or down I would eat spin pop!! :)

Charrlotte: I am a mother of 5 children. My kids love spin pop...I mean of course. Kids love candy and pop so when they can eat it at the same time the fall in love. Anyways, I think this was about the best invention ever.....i just think you need more flavors.

Bobby: Spin pop is my favorite candy. Thanks for inventing it!!

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